Scott Stratten is the author of some of Kelly’s all-time favorite marketing books—including QR Codes Kill Kittens* and Unmarketing. He writes about the ins and outs of marketing, the mistakes people make, and how to market yourself the right way—and if you can’t tell by the titles of his books, his approach is always humorous.
While not everything he teaches will apply to advisors, many of the big-picture principles he teaches are applicable to just about any industry. He is one of the funniest presenters you’ll ever watch, and in fact, the first time Kelly heard him speak at PubCon, she laughed herself into an asthma attack.
So our first piece of advice is this: if you ever get the chance to see Scott present live, please do.
That said, a client’s segmentation value doesn’t have to be determined solely by the income they generate directly. If they’re a referral powerhouse, consider bumping them up a notch, as they could be just as valuable to your practice as some of your higher-net-worth clients.
And the second is this: watch this video. In this clip, Scott shares a story about Ritz Carlton and an incredible example of raving-fan service. This is something we talk about a lot in our agency because it’s the one thing that turns a great, referrable advisor into a referral magnet.
Most advisors we work with are highly successful, and they’ve risen to the top of a very competitive industry because they do a lot of things right. But here’s the thing—being a trustworthy person, offering wise counsel, effectively helping clients grow and protect their money, being available and responsive—those are all things you should be doing as part of your job. And that’s usually enough to “pass the test” when one of your client’s friends asks for a recommendation. That will be enough for them to say, “Yeah, my advisor is great,” and introduce you.
But what if you could do more? What if, beyond being a great advisor, you could create experiences that made your clients go out of their way to tell stories about you and share the things you’re doing with their family and friends—even when they haven’t asked for a recommendation?
If you can find ways to create “Joshy moments” that go above and beyond expectations—if you can do something that makes people talk—it’s incredibly powerful.
This story about Ritz Carlton truly exemplifies raving-fan-worthy service. So watch it, take notes, and think about ways you can implement wow moments into your practice.
We help advisors build Referral Magnet Roadmaps, their comprehensive plan to strategically enhance client service and impress people in a way that inspires more referrals. Send us a message to learn more!
*A note from Kelly: It’s a weird name, I know—but trust me, it’s funny and full of great advice.